The 20+ Best Copywriting Blogs to Bookmark & Follow Now

by Jennifer Ayling


Copywriting blogs are a great source of writing inspiration.

Whether you’re a business owner, blogger, content creator, freelance writer, or freelance copywriter, mastering the art of writing emotionally compelling website copy is essential for:

  • Attracting ideal customers
  • Effectively marketing your products and services and
  • Convincing people to take action

So why not learn from the best?

Follow high-powered copywriting blogs and you will enhance your skills, stay up-to-date on best practices and increase your income.

Start by checking out the following curated list of 20+ best copywriting blogs.

Then soak up their wisdom and be amazed.

Let’s dig in.

Follow These Popular Copywriting Blogs & Watch Your Income Soar

Copywriting skills are essential for successful online marketing. Knowing how to reach and speak to your target audience is a skill that pays handsomely. Check out these sites to see what you can learn.

1. SmartBlogger


Smart Blogger is one of the world’s largest websites dedicated to writing and blogging. The mastermind behind this powerful site is Jon Morrow, who has an amazing and inspirational personal story. Jon has worked with some of the best minds in online marketing, like Brian Clark and Neil Patel.

Smart Blogger has a robust library of free blog posts and other resources to help you improve your copywriting skills.

Whether you are a freelance writer, blogger, content creator or business owner who wants to improve their sales pages and emails, you’ll find what you need at SmartBlogger.  Be sure to check out their blog content that is loaded with helpful tips for writers and entrepreneurs at any experience level.

2. ABC Copywriting


ABC Copywriting is a copywriting agency based in the United Kingdom. They work with a wide range of clients like publishers Dorling Kindersley and the prestigious London Business School.

The ABC Copywriting blog offers lessons like how to turn a client’s negative selling point into a positive one. You’ll also learn about copywriting from infographics that explain who copywriters are and what they do.

And if you prefer to read offline, Tom Albrighton, director of ABC Copywriting, is the author of four copywriting books, including Copywriting Made Simple: How to write powerful and persuasive copy that sells and The Freelance Introvert: Work the way you want without changing who you are.



AWAI is the American Writers and Artists Institute. Established in 1997, they are the world’s largest provider of copywriting training courses. Their advisory board members include copywriting heavyweights like Bob Bly, Brian Clark, and Dan Kennedy.

On the AWAI blog, you can learn how to attract high-paying clients and how to deal with rejection. You can download copywriting checklists or enter writing contests that offer cash prizes.

And once you’ve soaked up all the free content AWAI offers, you can browse their course catalog and get instruction from authority figures like Heather Lloyd-Martin, Ed Gandia, or Pam Foster.

4. Ben Settle


Ben Settle calls himself an email supremacist and is probably best known for offering a paid email subscription called Email Players.

Ben’s blog has lots of copywriting advice, some of it contrary to popular opinion. For instance, he wants you to stop using swipe files. And here is one of his thoughts about using social media:

“If you really believe having a lower IQ, butchering your attention span, and catering to the dopamine addicts in your market is worth whatever benefits you are getting on Facebook then maybe you should stay there.”

Ben isn’t for everyone. But he’s intentionally abrasive and an excellent example of building your brand to repel those who aren’t your ideal clients.

5. Bob Bly


Copywriter Bob Bly is a writing powerhouse. He’s the author of more than 100 books, including the popular The Copywriter’s Handbook and The Digital Marketing Handbook. Publishing company McGraw-Hill says Bob is “America’s top copywriter.”

Bob’s blog dates back to 2004 and continues through 2018. But don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s dated material. His copywriting advice is as relevant as ever. And Bob’s experience is vast, so it’s widely applicable to copywriters in every industry.

Read Bob’s blog to learn the four elements of copywriting mastery, his favorite list-building strategy, and his three-part formula for building a unique selling proposition.

6. Contently


Contently is a content marketing agency and software company that matches businesses that need content with creatives who write content.

Visit their blog and find a vast amount of wisdom to help you make good marketing decisions.

For example, they offer case studies to demonstrate how businesses use content marketing to reach more consumers.

And if you’re an employee who needs to convince your boss of the power of content marketing, Contently has your back.  You’ll find scientific proof that shows just how effective good content writing is.

Or suppose you have a podcast that’s struggling to grow. Contently can show you how to expand your audience.

7. Copy Hackers


Copy Hackers is the home of conversion copywriter Joanna Wiebe. Joanna and her team have written for and trained writers for some big-time names, like Google, Entrepreneur, Inc., and HubSpot.

Her site has a variety of blog posts. Some are short quick tips about copywriting. Others are long detailed posts with how-to tips, or that provide information about marketing trends.

And dropdown menus help you easily find content relevant to your writing needs.

Whether you’re a blogger learning the art of content creation or a marketer who needs new tricks to increase conversions, you’ll find help at Copy Hackers.

8. Copyblogger


Copyblogger is one of the original content marketing sites. And it’s where Smart Blogger CEO, Jon Morrow, got his start in blog writing and copywriting.

In addition to the wisdom you get from Copyblogger founder Brian Clark, CEO Tim Stoddart, and Editor-In-Chief Stefanie Flaxman, there are also articles from experts like Pamela Wilson, Demian Farnworth, and Henneke Duistermaat. The collective wisdom you’ll find is vast.

Learn how to up your conversion rate or improve your website ranking with search engine optimization. Or discover how to update your editing skills or write better headlines With over 6,000 posts, you’ll find plenty of content to help you improve your copywriting and content marketing skills.

9. Copywriting Course


Copywriting Course is the home of copywriter Neville Medhora. Neville has written for places like AppSumo and The Hustle.

If you want a list of copywriting exercises to improve your copywriting skills, Neville’s blog has you covered. Warning: it’s a long list!

You can also read case studies about companies successfully using copywriting or learn how to write emails that get responses.

And if you’re not in a position to sit down at your computer and read the blog posts, much of Neville’s content is also available in audio and video format.

10. CXL


CXL is the brainchild of founder Peep Laja. Businesses who’ve used CXL courses include Google, The Home Depot, and Hilton.

On the CXL blog, you’ll find resources about testing your copywriting, avoiding grammar mistakes, and never-fail copywriting tips.

But you’ll also learn so much more.

In-depth posts will teach you how to:

  • Find your client’s unique selling proposition
  • Run a professional A/B testing campaign
  • Create a product launch plan
  • Learn growth marketing strategy
  • Measure market penetration with brand tracking

The CXL blog will take you far beyond the copywriting basics. You’ll find a full-scale marketing education at CXL.

11. Enchanting Marketing


Enchanting Marketing is home to famed copywriter Henneke Duistermaat. You might have seen her work on Copyblogger, KISSmetrics, and Entrepreneur. She is also the author of multiple books, including Blog To Win Business, which Smart Blogger CEO Jon Morrow called “…the most useful guide on business blogging ever written.”

One of the best features of the EM blog is when Henneke takes various writing examples and deconstructs them to show you why it works for the intended audience. Deconstruction is one of the best ways to improve your writing skills.

Among others, she analyzes David Ogilvy’s famous Rolls-Royce ad, Raymond Chandler’s novels, and Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist.

12. Jacob McMillen


Jacob McMillen’s blog is where copywriter Jacob McMillen shares what he’s learned as a content strategist and copywriter.

And his blog goes beyond the traditional lessons you might get from a fellow copywriter.

From Jacob’s blog, you can learn how to pivot from copywriter to conversion strategist or agency owner. And learn his no-risk method for pitching new clients.

Or maybe you want to purchase a blog that someone else started. Check out Jacob’s post about buying a recipe blog.

He also has a podcast called Write Bites.

13. Make a Living Writing


Make a Living Writing is a site for freelance writers who need guidance on writing skills and getting clients. For even more support, there’s a paid community group called the Freelance Writers Den.

Beyond writing skills, Make a Living Writing focuses on business topics like productivity, contracts, and business plans.  If you want a successful freelance copywriting career, these are skills you need to master.

Founder Carol Tice has been around for a long time, working for reputable newspapers and media publications, so she shares advice she learned in the trenches. Recently she partnered with Chandler Bolt of the Self Publishing School to bring writers even more resources.

14. Men with Pens


Copywriter and web designer James Chartrand is the owner and mastermind behind Men with Pens. His fascinating background story is a good read.

The Men with Pens blog will help you correct pesky grammar mistakes and fix your money management woes. And if you’re interested in writing fiction, James can help with that, too.

And every copywriter should read this post: grammar mistakes. Because you will run across clients like this in your career. Learning early on how to handle clients who don’t really want your advice will save you a lot of heartache down the road.

15. Nick Usborne


Nick Usborne is a copywriter, author, consultant, and coach. He’s been copywriting since 1979 and worked with many high-profile businesses. He is a leading authority in Web3 copywriting.

Nick got his start when hard selling was the norm, but his methods have evolved. Today he promotes conversational copywriting as the best way to win people over.

As you’re perusing Nick’s blog, you find he has common themes he addresses frequently.

  • Conversational copywriting is best
  • Short-form copy wins
  • Buck conventional wisdom
  • Sell with stories
  • Hard-core selling is dead

And if you’re worried that you can’t use storytelling in your copy because you don’t have stories to share, Nick has some advice.

16. The Rant


Copywriter John Carlton says he’s “the most ripped off writer on the web” because so many people use his methods to write stellar ad campaigns that make them lots of money.

His blog, The Rant, reads much like a stream-of-consciousness brain dump. There’s no rhyme or reason to his posts, but each one is filled with knowledge gleaned from years of copywriting experience.

Need to learn how to handle trolls? It’s a game you’re guaranteed to lose, and John will show you why.

Want to know why introverts are such good copywriters? Empathy.

Going to miss a deadline? He’s got you covered.

17. Success Works


Success Works is the home of SEO copywriter Heather Lloyd-Martin. Forbes refers to Heather as “the pioneer of SEO copywriting.”

Because Heather has been around for a long time, she’s seen and heard it all, so she should be your go-to resource if you want to verify the validity of the newest SEO hack.

And she keeps her content updated returning to it yearly to add new information, so it’s always relevant.

She can also help you find high-paying writing jobs.  Interested? Check out her blog.

18. Susan Greene


Susan Greene is a copywriter and marketing consultant with 25+ years of experience. Besides herself, she has a team of writers who help her clients with all their copywriting needs. They’ve written for businesses in multiple industries, including automotive, hospitality, fitness, finance, and more.

A really cool feature on Susan’s site is a series of blog posts she’s written called Ask a Professional Copywriter. The series is a collection of posts where Susan answers questions she’s received from newbie writers. Questions tackle essential topics like contracts, setting boundaries, writing catalog copy, onboarding clients, and more.

19. Talking Shrimp


Laura Belgray is the copywriter behind Talking Shrimp. Her unique style makes her a standout in the copywriting space.

For fun reading, check out her About page, where you’ll find expert advice. For example, if you lack a copywriting portfolio, Laura has some brilliant advice for you.

”Simply find web pages or bits of copy that you think could use improvement, and rewrite them. That’ll give you a body of work you can hand potential clients or showcase in a blog post.”

Laura’s blog content covers topics like why it’s okay for copywriters to make grammar mistakes, the best power pose for copywriters, and a timeline for reaching the $1 million mark.

20. VeryGoodCopy


Eddie Shleyner is the voice behind VeryGoodCopy. He’s the former copy chief for G2 and is a LinkedIn Top Voice on the topics of Marketing and Advertising.

Eddie’s blog posts are micro articles that cover one small copywriting technique or idea. Each starts with a story and ends with a takeaway. Most posts are less than 500 words, so they’re easy to read when you’re short on time.

If you want to see reciprocity in action, shed a few tears, or learn from the masters, you’ll enjoy Eddie’s posts.

21. Writing Revolt


Writing Revolt is home to Jorden Makelle. Formerly a broke college dropout, Jorden started earning $5,000/month four months into starting her copywriting business.

Many of Jorden’s blog posts are case studies of students who went through one of Jorden’s paid courses. So, each post is a low-key sales pitch. But don’t let that deter you from reading them.

Each person lays out the path they followed to earn their first $1,000 as a copywriter, so you can pick up plenty of ideas without needing to purchase a course.

Are You Ready to Implement What You Learned From Copywriting Blogs?

Copywriting is one of the most useful skills you can learn as a writer, blogger, freelancer or business owner.  And following copywriting blogs is a terrific way to learn from the best.

With your upgraded skills, you’ll reach more people and your conversions will increase.

And that means more leads, more sales, and more money.

Get ready to take what you learn and go for it! The results will amaze you.

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Jennifer Ayling

Jennifer Ayling is a content strategist and writer for business coaches and thought leaders. She helps them create content marketing assets like blog posts, emails, and case studies so they can reach more people and grow their business without relying on social media.
The ultimate toolkit for becoming one of the highest-paid writers online. Premium training. Yours for free.

Written by Jennifer Ayling

Jennifer Ayling is a content strategist and writer for business coaches and thought leaders. She helps them create content marketing assets like blog posts, emails, and case studies so they can reach more people and grow their business without relying on social media.