What is a Copywriter? The Who, What, Where, & How

by Sam Driver


If you’ve ever found yourself wondering, “What is a copywriter?”, you’re not alone.

It’s a profession that’s as intriguing as it is essential in the digital age.

A copywriter is the wizard behind compelling blog posts, engaging social media updates, persuasive sales letters, and more.

They are the wordsmiths who harness the power of language to attract, persuade, and retain audiences.

Ready to uncover more about this fascinating field?

Let’s dive right in.

What is a Copywriter?

So, what does a copywriter do? At its core, a copywriter, in the simplest terms, is an artist of persuasion, an expert wordsmith who creates compelling narratives that drive action.

Their weapon of choice? Words.

Words that are carefully chosen, meticulously arranged, and artfully presented to sway the reader’s perception, provoke thought, and spur action.

But a copywriter is more than just a writer.

They are strategists, understanding the nuances of the market and the target audience.

They are psychologists, discerning the underlying motivations that propel people to act.

They are detectives, keen on researching and grasping the very essence of a product or a service to represent it in the best light possible.

For instance, consider the copywriter who was tasked with advertising a new brand of sneakers. They wouldn’t simply jot down features like “durable and comfortable.”

Instead, they would paint a vivid picture of how these sneakers could make you feel — the rush of breaking a personal running record, the comfort of a shoe that feels like an extension of your foot, the pride in wearing a sneaker that matches your style.

In essence, copywriting is about evoking emotions and crafting narratives that resonate deeply with the target audience, moving them to act.

By this point you might be wondering how does copywriting differ from content writing?

While both involve writing, they serve different purposes.

Content writing aims to inform, entertain, or inspire, often part of a content marketing strategy. Think blog posts, articles, ebooks.

In contrast, copywriting’s ultimate goal is persuasion, convincing readers to make a certain move.

Why Consider Becoming a Copywriter?

a person considering what is copywriting

​​So, why step into the world of copywriting? One compelling reason is that the field is ripe with opportunities.

The digital age has ushered in a growing need for quality copywriters. Every business, every brand, every entity with a digital presence needs compelling content. From multinational corporations to local nonprofits, the demand for skilled copywriters is on the rise.

In fact, according to Career Explorer, the copywriting job market is expected to grow by 7.6% between 2016 and 2026.

But the appeal of copywriting goes beyond job prospects.

There’s a certain magic in being a copywriter.

It’s about shaping perceptions, telling stories, and making a tangible impact. Every product bought, every service subscribed to, every newsletter sign-up is a testament to a copywriter’s ability to influence action.

Moreover, there’s a thrill in the sheer diversity of the field.

One day you could be writing a persuasive sales page for a revolutionary tech gadget, the next you could be crafting an inspirational narrative for a charity. And with each assignment, you get the chance to dive into a new world, understand a new audience, and weave a new story.

In terms of financial incentives, the remuneration is appealing as well.

The average copywriter salary in the United States is around $57,000 per year, but the potential is far higher. As a freelance copywriter, you’re in control. You can set your own rates, choose your clients, and potentially earn significantly more.

Finally, copywriting offers the chance for continuous learning and growth.

With every project comes the opportunity to learn about different industries, consumer behaviors, and marketing strategies.

And as digital marketing evolves, there are always new techniques, trends, and platforms to explore. In essence, a career in copywriting is not just a job — it’s a journey of constant discovery and evolution.

The Essential Skills to Becoming a Successful Copywriter

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Being a successful copywriter requires a unique blend of skills. A knack for creative writing is, of course, crucial.

But there’s a broader palette of skills that you should consider if you’re aiming for success in this field. Let’s break them down:

  • Marketing Mindset: Understanding the core principles of marketing and how to apply them in writing is essential. You should be able to present a product or service in a way that highlights its benefits and persuades potential customers.
  • SEO Knowledge: The ability to apply SEO principles in copywriting is key. This involves integrating keywords seamlessly into your text and understanding how to optimize your copy for search engine rankings.
  • Adaptability: The ability to tailor your writing style to different channels, whether it’s an engaging blog post, a punchy social media update, or a persuasive sales letter, is vital.
  • Brand Voice Alignment: You should be able to adapt your tone and style to match the brand voice. This could range from a playful, casual tone for a trendy tech startup to a more formal and professional tone for a law firm.
  • Audience Understanding: Knowledge of different target audiences and how to alter language, tone, and style to appeal to them is crucial.
  • Research Proficiency: Top-notch copywriters are proficient researchers. They understand the product or service, the competition, and the target audience’s preferences deeply, enabling them to create resonant and convincing copy.
  • Digital Tools Familiarity: Familiarity with digital tools, like content management systems and SEO tools, will give you a competitive edge in the digital marketing world.

With these essential skills in your arsenal, you will be well on your way to mastering the art and science of copywriting.

But where can you use these skills…

What Are the Popular Types of Copywriting?

copywriting types

As you further explore the world of copywriting, you’ll discover there are many types of copywriters, each specializing in different fields. To give you a clearer idea, let’s walk through some of these roles:

  • Marketing Copywriter: Crafts compelling ad copy designed to sell products or services.
  • Social Media Copywriter: Engages audiences across various platforms with creative and relatable content.
  • Advertising Copywriter: Brainstorms catchy slogans, memorable taglines, and compelling advertising concepts.
  • Email Copywriter: Focuses on creating compelling newsletters and email campaigns to encourage readers to take specific actions.
  • Technical Copywriter: Translates complex, often jargon-heavy information into understandable and engaging copy.
  • SEO Copywriter: Masters the art of integrating keywords seamlessly into text, improving search engine rankings and enhancing online visibility for businesses.
  • Direct Response Copywriter: Writes copy that prompts immediate action like making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, mastering the art of urgency and persuasion.

Knowing the type of copywriting that appeals to you can help shape your career path. Each of these roles requires a slightly different skill set and offers unique challenges and opportunities.

By understanding these roles, you can more confidently navigate your path in the copywriting world.

8 Practical Steps to Becoming a Copywriter

copywriting notepad and coffee

While it’s common to think that a good copywriter must have a background in marketing or a related field, that’s not always the case. Some of the best copywriters come from diverse fields, bringing unique perspectives and experiences to their work.

Remember, copywriting is about connecting with a diverse audience, and sometimes, an unconventional background can give you an unexpected edge.

So, with that in mind, how do you become an aspiring copywriter

Here are some practical steps to guide you…

Step 1: Cultivate Your Writing Skills

This is the foundation of your copywriting journey. Write often, and in different styles to build versatility. Experiment with different formats, be it blogs, social media posts, or ad scripts.

For instance, why not try writing a mock sales letter for a product you love or a compelling blog post about a cause you’re passionate about? Welcome feedback and use it as a tool for growth.

Step 2: Explore Diverse Reading Material

Broaden your horizons by reading widely. Don’t just stick to novels or newspapers. Dive into marketing materials, blog posts, sales letters, and even social media updates. Observe how language is used to persuade, entertain, and inform.

For example, studying how successful brands use storytelling in their ad campaigns can offer valuable insights into creating persuasive narratives.

Step 3: Understand Your Audience

Remember, effective copywriting is about resonating with the reader. This means understanding their needs, desires, and challenges.

Try creating audience personas to help visualize the people you’re writing for, considering their demographics, psychographics, and even their digital behavior.

Step 4: Learn the Art of SEO

In the digital world, copywriting and SEO are inseparable. Familiarize yourself with keyword research, understanding meta tags, and crafting SEO-friendly headlines.

Several online resources and courses can help you master SEO basics.

Step 5: Get to Grips with Digital Marketing

Copywriting and digital marketing go hand in hand. Understanding strategies like email marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing can enhance your copywriting skills.

For instance, learning about A to B testing in email marketing could improve your ability to write high-converting subject lines.

Step 6: Gain Practical Experience

Start applying your skills in real-world scenarios. Look for freelance copywriting gigs, internships, or even volunteer for a local business.

Remember, every piece of work adds to your portfolio and brings you one step closer to becoming a professional copywriter.

Step 7: Network with Other Copywriters

Joining copywriting communities, attending industry events, or connecting with experienced copywriters on platforms like LinkedIn can provide valuable insights and opportunities.

You could learn from their experiences, get feedback on your work, and even discover new opportunities.

Step 8: Consider Further Education

While not mandatory, specialized copywriting courses can sharpen your skills and give you a competitive edge. Many reputable institutions and online platforms offer courses in copywriting and related fields.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful copywriter and landing a copywriting job. Remember, it’s a journey, not a race.

Be patient with your progress and take the time to celebrate your small victories along the way. 

Unraveling the Enigma of What Is a Copywriter…

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Well, here we are, at the end of our enlightening journey together.

It’s totally okay if you’ve been feeling a bit lost, wondering about this whole copywriting business. It’s a massive world out there, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

But remember this: every piece of engaging content, every catchy slogan, every memorable jingle, comes from the mind of a copywriter. They are the unsung heroes of the marketing world.

So, if you’ve been dreaming about joining their ranks, go for it. The world needs more stellar copywriters.

Now, armed with all the insights from this article, you are ready to write your own success story.

Go on, give them something to read about!

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Sam Driver

Sam is an Associate Editor for Smart Blogger and family man who loves to write. When he’s not goofing around with his kids, he’s honing his craft to provide lasting value to anyone who cares to listen.


A "cheat sheet" to making 2-5K per month as a writer, even if you're a total beginner.
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Written by Sam Driver

Sam is an Associate Editor for Smart Blogger and family man who loves to write. When he’s not goofing around with his kids, he’s honing his craft to provide lasting value to anyone who cares to listen.

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