The Awesome Power of Seemingly Pointless Stories

Some people tell you a story always needs to have a point, but I disagree. Sometimes, you tell a story with no other purpose than bonding with your audience. For instance, here’s a snippet from the newsletter of Gary Halbert, perhaps the greatest copywriter who ever lived: Hilarious, right? Now, here’s the shocker…

17 Trigger Words That Work Like Cheat Codes for Getting Your Content Read

17 Trigger Words That Work Like Cheat Codes for Getting Your Content Read

It’s done. You’ve finally started blogging and finished your latest blog post. It’s practical, actionable, and insightful. You’ve nailed your headline and picked the perfect featured image. You’ve pored over every detail, and now it’s ready to publish. In fact, you’re damned proud to click “Publish.” It’s time to announce your masterpiece to the world … Read more