How to Sell an Online Course in 5 Fundamental Steps (2024)

by Sam Driver


Are you grappling with the challenge of how to sell an online course? 

You’re not alone. 

The digital education market is booming, and standing out as an online course creator can be daunting. 

But fear not! 

In this guide, we’ll explore 5 beginner-friendly steps and actionable tips that will help elevate your course above the competition. From leveraging sales funnels to creating an irresistible social media marketing campaign, we’ve got you covered. 

So, let’s jump in and unlock the secrets to successfully selling online courses.

Step 1: Tailor Your Marketing to Your Target Audience

Before diving into specific strategies, it’s crucial to remember that effective digital marketing resonates with its target audience

Tailoring your approach means understanding their needs, challenges, and aspirations. 

By aligning your marketing efforts with these insights, you’ll create a more impactful and engaging experience for your potential students.

Content Marketing

In the realm of content marketing, your goal is to become a thought leader in your field. 

Suppose you’re offering online courses on digital photography. In this case, publishing in-depth guides on photography techniques or reviews of the latest cameras can establish your expertise and draw photography enthusiasts to your course. 

Imagine a series of blog posts highlighting the evolution of camera technology or the art of capturing the perfect sunset. 

This digital marketing strategy not only showcases your knowledge but also builds trust with your audience, as they see you as an authoritative and reliable source of information.

Social Media Marketing

On social media, it’s all about connecting and engaging with your audience. 

For instance, if you’re selling a baking course, sharing mouth-watering images of baked goods on Instagram, coupled with baking tips, can attract aspiring bakers. 

You could run a weekly feature like “Bake-Along Saturdays,” where you bake a new recipe live, inviting followers to join in. 

Plus, interactive elements like polls or live Q&A sessions can further boost social media engagement

Leveraging a Facebook ad offers an opportunity to reach specific demographics. For home bakers interested in advancing their skills, you can target ads to those who follow popular baking pages or have shown interest in baking-related content.

Email Marketing

Building an email list through email marketing is like growing a community. Regular newsletters with course creation updates, insider tips, or even student success stories can keep your audience engaged. 

If your course is about web development, sharing the latest industry trends or coding challenges can keep your subscribers informed and interested in your offerings. 

Imagine sending out a monthly newsletter featuring a student who built their first web app using skills learned from your course, illustrating the practical value of your teachings.

Paid Advertising

Utilizing paid advertising, like Google Ads, can help you target those actively searching for courses in your niche. 

A well-crafted ad for your graphic design course, appearing when someone searches for “best online graphic design courses,” can drive significant traffic to your course page.

Consider using compelling ad copy that addresses common pain points to attract beginners looking for an accessible entry into the field.

Step 2: Leverage the Right Online Course Platforms

Choosing the right online course platform for your course material can significantly enhance the participant’s experience. 

Good online course platforms not only hosts your content but also enriches the online learning journey of your students.

Features to Look For

When scouring the digital landscape for your perfect platform, prioritize user experience above all. 

Imagine you’re offering a course on creative writing. An online course platform with a robust text editor, which allows for easy formatting and commenting, would be crucial. 

Also, look for platforms that offer seamless mobile access — ideal for learners who squeeze their studies into commutes or lunch breaks. 

Plus, interactive features such as quizzes, forums, and real-time feedback can transform your course from a passive video series to an interactive online learning adventure.

Consider accessibility features too. A platform that offers closed captioning and screen reader compatibility will ensure your course is inclusive, catering to a diverse range of students.

Compare Platforms

Each online course platform has its unique strengths, so align your choice with your course’s specific needs. 

For instance, if you’re teaching a course on watercolor painting, a platform that allows high-quality video uploads and easy sharing of visual resources would be a priority. 

Teachable or Thinkific are excellent for their user-friendly interfaces and customization options, making them ideal for courses that require a personal touch.

On the other hand, if your course involves a lot of live interactions and real-time feedback, like a personal fitness coaching program, a platform like Kajabi, renowned for its strong live-streaming capabilities, might be more suitable. 

Remember, the platform you choose can greatly influence the effectiveness of your teaching and the satisfaction of your students.

Step 3: Build Your Sales Funnel

Mastering the art of a sales funnel is about creating a path that resonates with your potential students needs and leads them to your course as the ultimate solution.


Your first step is to cast a wide net. Utilize engaging content, like insightful videos or a blog post, to catch the attention of prospective students. 

This is about making noise in the right places to ensure your course lands on the radar of those who need it most.


Once you’ve grabbed their attention, fan the flames of their curiosity. 

Share snippets of your online course content or success stories that showcase the value and uniqueness of your educational offering. 

This phase is all about nurturing a budding interest into a strong desire to learn more.


Now that they’re interested, it’s time to nudge them towards a decision. 

Offer a compelling mix of course previews, limited-time discounts, or exclusive access to additional resources. 

Make it hard for them to resist clicking that ‘enroll now’ button.


Finally, make the enrollment process as seamless as possible. 

A straightforward, user-friendly signup and payment system can be the difference between a lost lead and a new student. 

Remember, in the digital world, convenience is king.

Step 4: Add Social Proof & Testimonials

Social proof and testimonials work like trust signals, turning skeptics into believers. 

They are the digital equivalent of word-of-mouth recommendations that can significantly amplify your course’s credibility and desirability.

Social Proof

Start by encouraging current students to share their experiences. This could be through course ratings, participation in discussion forums, or social media engagement. 

Next, consider collaborating with industry influencers or experts who can endorse your course also adds immense value. 

Once you have this social proof, display it prominently on your course landing page, in marketing emails, and across social media platforms

Highlighting the number of students enrolled, showcasing positive ratings, or featuring industry endorsements can significantly boost the perceived value and legitimacy of your course.


Genuine, heartfelt testimonials from past students are priceless. Highlight stories that speak to the effectiveness of your course, the quality of your teaching, and the real-world impact of the knowledge shared.

For example, a testimonial from a student who transitioned from an amateur photographer to a professional after taking your photography course can be deeply inspiring.

So, reach out and simply ask your most successful students to highlight their journey. Video testimonials can be particularly effective, as they add a personal and relatable touch. 

Step 5: Diversifying Your Offerings

In the dynamic world of online education, diversification is a necessity. By expanding your range and adapting to various learner needs, you’ll enhance your appeal and increase potential revenue streams. 

Let’s explore how diversifying can make your online courses more compelling and accessible to a broader audience.

Expand Your Course Topic (& Bundle)

Delve into a new course topic! If you’re a course creator focusing on digital marketing, why not add modules on social media analytics or content marketing strategy

This not only caters to a wider audience but also keeps existing students engaged and loyal. 

Then, consider bundling these courses together. 

Add Diverse Payment Plans

Introducing tiered pricing plans or a subscription model can cater to different budgets and commitment levels. 

For a tiered pricing model, you could offer a basic package covering the fundamentals, a premium package with additional course material like exclusive workshops, and perhaps a platinum package including one-on-one mentoring sessions. 

Or consider subscriptions. By allowing learners to pay a recurring fee for continuous access, you’re not only easing the financial burden but also building a long-term relationship.

Why not break your course into digestible, pay-per-module options? It can appeal to those who prefer a pick-and-choose approach.

For more expensive online courses, consider offering a payment plan. This breaks down the cost into manageable monthly payments, making your course more accessible to those on a tighter budget. 

Embrace Success & Answer: How to Sell an Online Course

Selling online courses might seem like a daunting task, but with these tools, you’re 99% there.

The other 1%?

Taking action. 

So, take a deep breath, embrace these insights, and sell your online course.

The world is ready to learn from you!

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Sam Driver

Sam is an Associate Editor for Smart Blogger and family man who loves to write. When he’s not goofing around with his kids, he’s honing his craft to provide lasting value to anyone who cares to listen.


A "cheat sheet" to making 2-5K per month as a writer, even if you're a total beginner.
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Written by Sam Driver

Sam is an Associate Editor for Smart Blogger and family man who loves to write. When he’s not goofing around with his kids, he’s honing his craft to provide lasting value to anyone who cares to listen.

1 thought on “How to Sell an Online Course in 5 Fundamental Steps (2024)”

  1. Hey there! Great read on “How to Sell an Online Course in 5 Fundamental Steps (2024)”! Your insights are spot on, and the step-by-step approach makes it super actionable. Appreciate the practical tips—definitely going to apply these to my own venture. Keep the awesome content coming!


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