Goodbye Boost Blog Traffic. Hello Smart Blogger

by Jon Morrow


Well, surprise, surprise, surprise… as my good ol’ buddy Gomer Pyle used to say. 🙂

After four wonderful years on, we’ve decided to rebrand as


In one word: evolution.

Back in 2012, I was one little voice in a sea of people blogging about blogging. To stand out, I picked a topic I knew I could talk about better than anybody else: traffic.

Turned out to be a smart move. Within just a couple months, more than 13,000 people jumped on the prelaunch list. Within nine months, we crossed $500,000 of revenue.

All from talking about traffic.

Gradually though, the space evolved, and so did we. We still talked about traffic, but we also dabbled in teaching about other aspects of building a popular blog, aspects like writing, affiliate marketing, email marketing, and monetizing your blog.

At some point, just wasn’t appropriate anymore. We needed a new brand, a new vision that encompassed everything we’d become.

And here it is.

Welcome to Smart Blogger. 🙂

The Times, They Are A-Changin’

Let’s be clear…

Even though we’re removing “traffic” from the domain name, we’ll still be talking about it as much as ever. In fact, the subject matter of the blog isn’t really changing all that much.

What’s changing is our target audience.

You see, most bloggers are hobbyists. They enjoy writing, and they publish a post every now and again, but it’s no big deal to them if the site ever grows or turns into anything.

But there’s also this other group…

… a much smaller group…

For us, blogging is a means to an end. It’s a way to get a book deal, launch an online business, attract high-paying clients, or become a thought leader.

And we’re really freaking serious about it.

Not because we’re fanatics or anything (okay, maybe a little, lol), but because our time is precious to us. We don’t have the luxury of sitting around writing shit nobody reads. We expect each and every post we publish to move us closer to our goal.

But here’s the problem…

There are a gazillion different tactics you can use to start your blog, and there’s no easy way to figure out which ones work and which ones don’t. You end up jumping from tactic to tactic, dabbling in a little bit of everything, and pulling your hair out because you’re wasting so much time.

Frustrating, right?

Well, here’s the good news…

That stops today.

The Vision for Smart Blogger

As of right now, Smart Blogger is here to help. We’ll teach you:

How to use blogging to accomplish your goals without wasting your time

The handful of tactics that are working in the trenches right now

Where to get the tools and resources you’ll need on your journey

And when the going gets tough?

We’ll be there to give you a pep talk… or a kick in the rear. Whichever you need most. 🙂

I can’t promise it’ll be easy. I can’t promise it’ll be fast. I can’t promise it’ll be painless.

But I’ll make this commitment to you right now:

Where most bloggers are stumbling around in the dark, confused about what to do next, feeling like an idiot for wasting so much time, you’ll have the confidence of knowing you’re on the right path, taking the right steps, surrounded by the right people.

In other words, you won’t be just another blogger. You’ll be a smart blogger.

And you’ll get all the rewards that are coming to ya. I’ll make sure of it.

About the Author: Jon Morrow has repeatedly asked to be called “His Royal Awesomeness,” but no one listens to him. So, he settles for the CEO of Smart Blogger. Poor man. 😉
Photo of author

Jon Morrow

Jon Morrow has asked repeatedly to be called “His Royal Awesomeness” but no one listens to him. So, he settles for CEO of Smart Blogger.


A "cheat sheet" to making 2-5K per month as a writer, even if you're a total beginner.
Photo of author

Written by Jon Morrow

Jon Morrow has asked repeatedly to be called “His Royal Awesomeness” but no one listens to him. So, he settles for CEO of Smart Blogger.

136 thoughts on “Goodbye Boost Blog Traffic. Hello Smart Blogger”

  1. Hi Jon. I hadn’t visited your site in a few months. Then all of sudden today for no specific reason I said, “Hmm, I wonder what BBT is up to these days?” Then, as you say, “Surprise, surprise” … no more BBT! Your new site looks GREAT.

    • I too have not been here for a while. Really love the rebrand. It inspires me to get my a– in gear and get my blog going. Thanks for the wake up call! Love you Jon!

  2. Hey Jon,

    Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Semisonic, Closing Time


    Even though I knew this change was coming, it still caught me off guard! 🙂

    Kudos to Glen Long for reserving this great domain name long, long ago. The man is clairvoyant!

    Can’t wait to see all the awesomeness you, Glen, and the rest of the BBT/SB team have in store!

    – @kevinjduncan

  3. You know, Jon, I don’t know how you do it. You progressively manage to say more with less.

    One of these days, you’re going to figure out how to download the information straight into our heads without typing a single word.

    Will that be the next evolutionary leap of this blog? 😉

    PS: Love the new minimalist design. And the concept of a ‘smart blogger’. Huzzah for us fanatics!

    • Ha. The more I say, the more I usually get us into trouble, so that’s why this was so brief. Glad it came off well, though.

      • Most of us would do well to say less, Jon. Now if we could just get the presidential candidates to heed your advice…

  4. Great decision, Jon!

    Your blog has become too big for the old name, Boost Blog Traffic.

    One of the biggest reason I love BBT is because your articles (especially this one: literally made me think how I can become smarter as a blogger, so the new name 100% fits the content on this blog.

    Congrats on the rebrand!

    • You are so right. I’ve been reading this blog for a while and it’s AMAZING. It has literally changed my blogging life (and I’m not a beginner, have done this for about 10 years with some success). Yet, all these terrific ideas and tips have dramatically improved my traffic and (more importantly) earnings. I welcome the new ‘persona’ (I think it’s even more suitable for such content) and hope to get the chance to become smarter every day 🙂

  5. Hi Jon,
    Boost Blog Traffic, Smart Blogger, or even Master Chef Blogging, wherever you go, we follow.
    Great to see that you practise what you preach.
    Love the new design too.
    Can’t wait for the goodies to drop.
    Congrats Glen and the BBT or rather SB team. ?

  6. I was just linking back to one of your posts and – wait a minute… what’s a Smart Blogger? Did the brand change? Why would he do that?

    Totally love the change though, Jon. It’s certainly refreshing, and like another commenter said, although it was nice to have the immediate benefit in the domain Boost Blog Traffic fell a little heavy off the tongue.

    Smart Blogger, however, is short and savvy. And maybe a little sexy.

    Congrats on the rebrand! Look forward to the future (but mostly similar) direction.

  7. Wow so crazy!

    I was a little surprised about this at first. I almost thought I was on the wrong page. But it still feels just like Boost Blog Traffic.

    Congrats on the rebrand.

    It’s funny that you mentioned that most bloggers are hobbyists (it’s so true). I literally just launched my new blog yesterday. My target audience is for bloggers who just want to start.

    What crazy weird timing.

    I think I’ll miss BBT (not like you’re really going anywhere), but I’m excited to see where this new brand goes.


  8. Woah, another baller move by J.M. Nice design too. BBT and Firepole would make interesting case studies about how organic traffic changes after a rebrand/permanent 301 redirect is set up for an established, popular blog. Either way, the rebrand looks great.

    • I’m sure we will publish some data at some point talking about how it went. Certainly nerve-racking to risk all of that traffic. 🙂

      And I can’t take credit for the move or design. Glen Long, Heather Sanders, and Tim Gary were the masterminds behind the scenes, and I just stuck my nose in every now and again. 🙂

  9. This is great. Rebranding seems cool, kind of a new start.

    I love the conten on your blog and haven’t missed a post since I have started following BBT, will continue doing so now that it has become SB :p

    I am certain your articles will be top quality as well always.

    Congratulations and All the best on the venture!

  10. Congrats Jon and team. I also rebranded my blog, it is like season of rebranding lol! looking for some more interesting posts but this time from smart blogger.

  11. I know rebranding can be difficult so best of luck on the endeavor! I’m sure you all will make some really “smart” decisions in the process.

    So long as the good content keeps coming, I’m okay with whatever you want to call yourselves!

  12. This is one heck of an unexpected change.

    I knew was coming, but that it would kick Boostblogtraffic away is still a huge wonder.

    I love this new brand though. And I’m doubly sure it would outperform BBT 10 times.

    Congratulations, Jon

  13. I will miss the Action Verb BOOST in your title. Action, taking action, making something stronger, growing something.

    We can all be smart but without taking action.

    But knowing you, Jon: you researched this really well and you take this rebranding with a great future ahead.

    Truth be told: All I need to see is “Jon Morrow” and I know the information will be great. So… call it what you will, I’ll open each note as soon as it arrives!

    Charlie Seymour Jr

    • I hear you on the action verb, Charlie. Initially, I was actually against a rebrand, and it took many hours of thought and conversations with the rest of the team to decide to do it. All signs are that it will be a smart move, but fingers crossed! 🙂

  14. Wonderful news! It looks clean and fresh. Great job.

    As Rafiki in the Lion King said:

    “Change is good.”

    Alright, back to work on building my own kingdom or else I’m gonna get my butt whooped again. ;] Grateful to you guys for your wisdom, encouragement and the ability to kick me in the ass in a way that inspires. Now, *that* is a skill! xo, Laurel

  15. I also love the re-brand. First, it’s short, catchy and sounds sexy. Smart Blogger.

    This suits you more Jon, because all in all you’re an awesome blogger. Traffic is just part of it.

    Thanks for continuously producing great content for us. Good luck!

  16. Congratulations Your Royal Awesomeness!

    Thanks for the Headline Hacks and all the other rewarding (can’t find an adequate adjective) content and advice you’ve provided.

    It’s greatly appreciated, Jon.


  17. I never knew that smart blogger is the new version of boost blog traffic. Looking forward to its newest version with its latest techniques. thank you

  18. Just when I was revising the online course I took previously, the next hour, I received the good of BBT?

    I personally felt smart is a nicer word to use and begin with, this is smart and I like it a lot.

    I am looking forward to it!

  19. Jon! This was amazingly out the blue! I thought I clicked the wrong bookmark haha!

    But progression is great and so is this new beautiful website. As long as I get to hear your brilliant words then i’ll be grateful!

    Keep it going 🙂

  20. Hey Jon, “we’re movin on up… To the Eastside, To a deluxe apartment in the sky”(the Jefferson’s tv show). Being from NYC – that’s a large smart move!!
    Congratulations! And I just realized I’m a fanatic not a hobbyist wahoooo!
    Dj Segovia

  21. Sincerely speaking, you are so good that I don’t really care what name your website has. Wherever you decide to write, I follow you.
    But… I have to admit that the new name sounds great! Congratulations for the re-branding.

  22. Jon, I’m definitely onboard! I became a big fan of yours (and the people you work with) several months ago. The name and branding may have changed, but it’s still the same quality people behind it. I look forward to the same top quality articles on I wish you all success with the rebranding and the modified direction you’re taking.

  23. Hey Jon –
    Congratulation on your more inclusive repositioning! Love the look and feel–softer, more modern. Job well done by the whole team. No worries about losing traffic. I’m guessing the old ones will stay for the great advice and the new users won’t be able to wait to sign up. 😉

    Three cheers for Smart Bloggers success!

  24. I really like the more peaceful colors (and post image). The name fits this site perfectly – every piece I’ve read on this blog has made me a smarter blogger.

    After the dust settle, I’d love to hear details about how the move went and if it affected traffic at all.

    Congrats to your whole team and best wishes with the new brand.

  25. Expanding the brand into ‘blogging knowledge generally’ seems like a smart move.

    Something to bear in mind as you fine-tune: the old black and red colours and big lettering gave a sense of action and power. The blue and grey here – though it’s attractive and hangs together – is much blander, and you’re in danger of looking like just one more online business site. Maybe there are tweaks that will stamp it with more individuality.

    • That’s an interesting observation, Tim! I like the new minimalist design, but like you, I preferred to the more striking red/black and big lettering. Didn’t really think of it until you pointed it out.

  26. Hi Jon,

    I was doing exactly what you were saying, wandering around the blog gurus and picking some tips here and there, but I always check back with your site.

    Now, with the new looks which I love, by the way, and the new visions, I won’t have to wander around in the blogosphere. I’m really looking forward to it!

  27. Like the new format Jon. Really nice.

    I notice when I type in, instead of going to a 404 error page I go to and the search engine updates to the new url. How d’you get that to happen?

    Best wishes for your new site


    • It’s pretty easy on most servers that support an .htaccess file. You can do a google search and find many examples. You can also redirect single pages/posts, though you could use a WordPress plugin for those instead.

  28. Well it seems you are on the way to hit the milestone. Your thoughts are very practical and innovative.
    I started blogging this year. You’re posts helped me soo much to build my blog and knowledge about it. Carry on man. Hope ull share more tips.
    Have a good day.

  29. Congrats on taking the next step and all the best for the rebranding. Like always, I’m excited to see what’s behind the next corner for BBT… uhm, excuse me, SB.

    More information about monetarisation would be great, especially on SBO. I understand that you want to cater to beginners with most material, but that also means SBO becomes less useful for bloggers who are over the very beginning stages. All the best!

    (SBO is Jon’s awesome paid program, for anybody who doesn’t know.)

  30. Hi Jon,

    Exciting times! I think the time is right for this change. BBT was starting to sound the same with every blog post. Almost as if the same person was writing them, or re-writing them.

    I’ve been wondering where you were taking things and not just with the halt the guest posts, or rather changing them to invitation-only and not only for the reason highlighted above.

    I certainy will be watching where you go and what new strategies and advice you offer people.

    Here’s to this new phase!


  31. I got amazed. How did this happen? How long were you planning for it? Your vision is true; you cannot be focused on a name when you were opening the arms. Good luck with a brand new name…I loved this name.


  32. So you guys are the ones who had smart blogger all this time … I tried to get this domain name at some point. I am sure it will serve you just as well and better than before the rebrand. Look forward to more good stuff. Good luck guys!

  33. One of the few times I have actually not hated a change like this:) The whole look of the site is brighter and more pleasing to me. Not that the other bothered me, but I do like this better.

  34. I just found out about your site a week or two ago. I like the new name, BBT is good too but SmartBlogger sounds more serious & less scammy.

  35. Congratulations on hitting a new milestone, team Smart Blogger! Kudos to all of you!

    The new design looks awesome and I look forward to see more on the new direction you are heading.

  36. At first I was like, “whhaaaat?”. But after reading your explanation and the reasons behind it – evolution – I think it’s a super-smart move. Serious bloggers the world over are in good hands. Nice work and all the best.

  37. I feel smarter just going to the new domain! Congratulations on knowing when and how to cook up something new and delicious.

    Jon, you know all about the magic of the secret sauce! Thanks for your generosity.

  38. Hey Jon,

    When I first read the headline in my email inbox, I thought it was an April fool’s day joke. Still, I couldn’t help but click the link to see it for myself.

    To be honest with you, I’m impressed. This is good work Jon.

    I’m looking forward to the quality we associate with you.

    – PBW

  39. Hi Jon,
    Having more avenues does seem like a logical move. You wrote about having a niche with longevity. Once readers are getting mega traffic, they will stay with you if you tell them how to monetize. Nice move.

  40. Great evolution, Jon! You make a good point about the blogger for blogging sake vs the blogger who is using that as a means to an end. Different purposes and commitment level. I have enjoyed your blog posts. Well researched, great insights, and very actionable (I try them immediately when it makes sense for me and my business). I look forward to your future.

  41. hey jon,

    Wow what a fantastic site, I see the change and that’s awesome well done I am looking forward to reading more great things from you 🙂 Have a nice day, shaun.

  42. Can’t help but to laugh out loud on what you said about yourself in your About the Author box. You’re awesome, Jon, whether you like it or not. Forever, I’ll be your ardent pupil on ‘Smart Blogging’. All the best.

  43. Smart move, your Royal Awesomeness! Love the clean look and the new direction. I see a truly professional vision of the blogging future. I recently got an unexpected kick in the pants and am looking forward to gobbling up and acting on every word printed on SmartBlogger. Thanks a bunch.

  44. Hi Jon,
    I actually just stumbled on your very first post today via Google. Dumb mistakes people make when starting a blog, and I am so glad I did. I’m wondering if you have or will be posting about changing your name the right way so you don’t mess up your SEO. I’ve wanted to change the name of my website for a number years and would really like some tips on how you are doing it successfully.

  45. Hi Jon,

    I did a Google search and the guest post by Kevin Duncan top the page (Ultimate Guide to Blog commenting), so I click and behold, a “redirection” on my browser tab…..


    I had to check the homepage to make sure am in the right place, then I found this announcement.

    This is a bold move, like Cody Lister said up there in his comment, it will be interesting to see you share some numbers with us when is due.

    Thanks Jon and the rest of the team at “SmartBlogger”

  46. Usually, i don’t like good things to change. But for me, I find this site interesting because of its content, not because of the name. So, I will continue to follow you because of many interesting and useful things to find here, and the name is not so big deal (for me).
    One thing is for sure: you can’t go wrong by calling your readers smart ones:)

    I’m new out there, so everybody are welcome to my new website about writing, single parenting and many more.

  47. Waoo,
    Really a smart evolution Jon.

    I love the new brand name, but come to think of it, you’re very lucky to have gotten this name “smart blogger” since such name are no longer available as a new domain.

    Looking up for more and great/smart ideas here.

  48. HI Jon,

    This is proof that you are on top of what is going on in the industry, and the reason I trust and value what you have to say.

  49. Hey Jon,

    Was wondering when this evolution would come about, to be honest. Especially after course after course came out teaching about the other intricacies of blogging.

    Bet this domain was expensive though! 😉

    Appreciate the continued knowledge you and the BBT (wait, SB?) team provide.

  50. Well, I never saw this coming and was taken by surprise. I too love the simplicity of the new design. I’ve just completed a re-brand (domain migration) for a client’s website going from an exact match, keyword rich domain name to a 4-letter abbreviation of their name. It was a relatively small website, but it’s a daunting task nonetheless. Best of luck with the new blog which I will most definitely continue to follow.

  51. LOVE the rebrand and the new name!! I personally resonate with a blog when I can see myself in their branding… I’m a smart blogger reading Smart Blogger 😉

    Congratulations Jon and team!! Excited about this new “chapter”

  52. Congrats on the rebrand! I’m so glad to have been a BBT reader and totally excited about reading epic content on the new platform! A new day has dawned, and I’m ready for it! 🙂

  53. Jon,

    Love the new name! Easy to spell. Easy to remember! Short and Sweet! You are an inspiration in many ways. The day is fast approaching when you will be addressed by your rightful title: “His Royal Awesomeness”! In the meantime, I did grow up watching Gomer Pyle and just loved that show as a kid, so I put a link to ‘Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!’ LOL Congratulations on your new blog name.
    I live in Jupiter, Florida and I believe you live near me, so maybe someday I’ll have the honor of getting to personally meet, “His Royal Awesomeness”!

  54. Hi! I am one of those people who thinks that we should not be afraid to make some changes in a life! So I fully support your decision to rebrand and I think it will be really interesting to learn the main aspects of using blogging to accomplish your goals without wasting precious time. I hope that all your great ideas will not ends on this! Best wishes to you and wait for more interesting posts.

  55. Exciting to hear about your rebranding decision, Jon! I wish you tremendous success with your new blog.
    Thank you kindly for directing readers to a blog you wrote 2 years ago -sharing part of your blog’s $100 000 a month success story. I listened to a brief interview recording with Darren Rowse this morning. He mentioned that luck with timing is typically part of every entrepreneur’s success. There’s a “spidey sense” that I was supposed to read messages within your 3 April 2014 post today. It was found while following your recommendation for an ideal way to comment on blogs. I’ll have you to thank for this luck. ~Keri

  56. Hi, Jon and all at Smart Blogger! Congratulations! Everything looks fantastic and MOST importantly what a great introductory post with your mission, Jon. love it. Yes, I’m one of those few smaller but serious folk trying to make a go of it and always looking in your direction for wisdom.
    I expect great things to come!

  57. Just when I thought your blog couldn’t be more helpful, you’ve gone and literally targeted me… personally!

    Thanks for all the work you’ve done already Jon, and for becoming even more relevant with the re-brand.

  58. Great news! That after four wonderful years it is big evolution. And you have a nice vision to teach/help other blogger to become a smart blogger. I expect great things to come!

  59. Well done. The new name smartblogger looks great. Not just traffic, it can be anything in terms blogging now with and tells your vision clearly.

  60. Hi Jon,

    I am a subscriber and have also ordered one of your programs. Just wanted to say that you are an amazing person with an incredibly good heart. In my opinion, you are focused on adding value and giving more than you receive. Thank you for all you do and congrats on your re-brand! (And no, I do not know Jon personally and I get nothing from saying this. Jon earned it!)

    Peace Out!

  61. Nice makeover, dont like the optin box though. Earlier one was nice with gradient background and the ebook cover which helped it boost conversions.

  62. I’m a full time professional blogger and it’s great to find your site thanks to Pro Blogger-the evolution of blogging is exciting; opportunities it brings, limitless. An exciting time for experienced and novice digital influencers! Congrats on the re-brand.

  63. Nice move Jon…
    With time everyone needs to change..I am also thinking of changing my profile i.e. from content marketer to freelancing writer..
    I wish you will make huge profits from this website..All the very best for future..


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