How to Start a Coaching Business and Look Like a Pro from the Get-Go

How to Start a Coaching Business and Look Like a Pro from the Get-Go

by Chelsea Baldwin


So. You want to start coaching.

Why wouldn’t you?!?

You get one-on-one insights from your audience that you can use to make your blog more interesting, and you can make some money without creating an entire e-course from scratch.

Offering coaching on your blog is a smart business decision.

But how do you do it?

Like, how do you collect payment? Or get people to schedule a call time without sending 15 back-and-forth “when is good for you” emails?

And when you do get people on the phone, what do you say?

Today we’re going to walk you through all of that:

  • How to create a coaching offer people can’t say no to
  • How to set up your coaching biz so people can easily buy and schedule sessions
  • How to structure a one-hour coaching call and make sure it’s valuable for your clients

This is where the rubber meets the road—and if you stick to it, where your blog meets everything you’ve ever wanted it to have: dedicated readers, profit, and influencer status.

Sounds good, right?

So without further ado, here’s how to start your own coaching business:

#1. Create Your Mouthwatering Coaching Offer

The best way to get readers to want to hire you as a coach is to give them something to look forward to as a result of your session. Yes, “coaching” means they’ll get to talk to you and pick your brain, but most readers will want a little more than that.

So to create your first offer, start with the end result someone will get after coaching with you.

Are you a business coach who will help them decide on their pricing? Are you a web designer who can give them ten ways to optimize their website conversions?

Decide on an outcome that will be for the benefit of the reader, and build an offer around that.

Here’s an outline to help you:

  • Identify what you know is a big pain point for your audience that you can solve quickly.
  • Outline what parts of it you’d easily be able to tackle in a 30-minute or one-hour phone call.
  • Identify the deliverables the customer gets and can use at the end of the call.
  • If you feel creative, come up with a fun name for the package. (Just don’t get too cutesy to the point of confusion.)

For example, one of my “coaching” offers is called an “On-Site Copy Teardown.” During the one-hour call, I walk people through their website copy and review any on-site data with them. We find ways to improve their copy so they can get more conversions instantly, without a page redesign.

#2. Set Up Your Coaching Biz and Make it Run Smoothly

**rubs palms together vigorously**

All right, let’s get you set up to advertise, book, get paid for, and deliver your first coaching sessions. We’ll cover:

  1. How to set up your sales processing system so people can purchase your coaching
  2. How to set up a booking system so people can make appointments on your calendar
  3. How to create a sales page so readers can find your offer

It’s a lot of little of steps, but it’s something you can tackle in one afternoon.

Note: I’ll be showing you a free way to get everything set up, but you can easily use a service like which is relatively inexpensive and makes setup and booking even more streamlined. Also, I’m using WordPress, but most of this can still be applied if you use another content management system.

1. Set Up a Way to Get Paid

When someone buys your coaching offer, two things need to happen:

  1. The buyer needs to receive an email or PDF with a link to your calendar, so they can schedule a session.
  2. You need to receive the payment in your bank account.

For the first, you need to have an e-commerce platform. And for the second, you need a payment processor like Paypal or Stripe.

For the e-commerce platform, we’ll use Payhip.

I use Payhip to deliver some miniature e-courses that I sell because it specializes in digital downloads, but I’ve also used it as a free way to sell one-hour Copy Teardowns and 30-minute Copy Review Sessions to my students.

Editor’s Note: Payhip is one of many e-commerce platforms available. Check out 5 Best eCommerce “Platforms” Compared & Reviewed by CodeinWP to get an in-depth look at more options.

First, go to Payhip and sign up for a free account:


After you log in, click on “Account” in the upper left-hand corner, then click on “Settings.”

Go to Payhip Settings

Click on the “Payment Details” tab, and you’ll see a prompt to connect either your PayPal account or your Stripe account.

Go to Payhip Payment Details

You can use PayPal (or PayPal and Stripe) if you like, but I prefer Stripe because it makes credit card payments much easier simply because that’s the only option. People don’t get confused with the additional options of paying with a PayPal balance or hooking up their bank accounts to send an e-check, like PayPal sometimes presents.

Stripe’s got a super-easy-to-follow setup process. If you don’t have an account yet, go to Stripe’s home page and click the “Create Account” button, and you’ll be ready to go before you know it.

Stripe - Online Payments

2. Set Up a Way for Clients to Book Sessions

Now that you’ve got a way to collect payment from people, you need a way for them to book coaching sessions with you.

For which Calendly is perfect.

First, go to Calendly’s home page and click on one of the “Sign Up” buttons to register for a free account.

Stripe Sign up

After signing in, choose Event Types in the main menu bar. Choose whether you want to open 15-minute sessions, 30-minute sessions, or 60-minute sessions by clicking the “on” switch in the appropriate event type box.


Then, click in the center of the event type box to edit the options for it.

Edit Calendly options

First, select which times you are available for coaching sessions.

Then, in “Invitee Questions,” add any questions you want people to answer before the call. (You might also ask for their Skype username here, or their phone-number if you plan to call by phone.)

And finally, integrate with Google Calendar to add the booking to your calendar and to have an invitation sent to both of you.

Go to Calendly - Invite Questions

3. Create and Upload Your Coaching “Product”

Now we’re going to create the “product” that you’ll sell.

And yes, you’ll technically be selling a coaching session rather than a digital download, but in order to use Payhip, you will need a digital “deliverable” that people will download instantly after purchase.

My download is nothing more than a PDF instruction sheet on how to schedule the coaching session they’ve just paid for, and instructions on what to do in the booking process.

Here’s what it looks like:

Update with your coaching product

Very simple and straightforward, but it gets the job done. If you want to spruce yours up a bit, add some descriptive words and sensory language.

The important part, though, is to make sure this document includes a link to your Calendly page so that people can book sessions with you. After that, include any other instructions you feel are necessary based on the coaching offer you’ve set up.

Then, go to your main Payhip dashboard, and click on the “Add new product” button:

Payhip Dashboard

Upload your PDF, give it a title, and set your price.

PayHip will also ask you for a cover image. If you have a blog logo, you could simply use that. Otherwise, Canva lets you create simple but good-looking graphics that are more specific to your offer.

Upload digital product, cost & cover image

Then you’ll need to add a product description. Most people who get to this page will come from your website or email list and already know what they’re buying. But this is a great place to reiterate the benefits of what you’re offering and what’s involved in your offer.

After that, all you have to do is select a relevant category and click “Add Product.”

Payhip - Add Product Description

And you’re done! You offer is officially for sale!

4. Publish Your Sales Page So People Can Find Your Offer

Phew. Almost there.

All you need now is a sales page so people can actually find your offer and buy a session with you.

Ideally, you want to create a distraction-free page for this. (Meaning no menu, no sidebar, and no buttons that lead to anything other than your coaching offer.) This gives page visitors two options: buy or leave.

Fortunately, many WordPress themes come with a distraction-free landing page template. (You’ll have to check and make sure, especially if you’re using a free theme.)

Go to your WordPress dashboard, find Pages in your left-hand menu, and click on Add New.

Publish your coaching page

On the right-hand side of your content editor, look for a widget called Post Attributes and see if it offers a landing page template.

Select the landing page template
Note: If you don’t see this option, it might mean that your theme doesn’t offer a landing page template, or it might mean that it has a different method for creating landing pages.

Google [name of your theme] “landing page” to find out. But if you discover your theme doesn’t have a landing page option, don’t worry.

You can try an online app like Elementor (affiliate link) or a plugin like Thrive Architect to help you build and publish the landing page. (Yes, they cost money, but they also have pre-built templates that have been tested for high conversion rates.)

Now that you’ve set up your page as a landing page, give it a name, adjust the URL if needed, and add your sales copy.

Adjust your URL and add sales copy

And once the sales copy is written, of course, you need to add the buy button.

To get the code for this, go back to your Payhip dashboard and click on the Share/Embed button that appears next to your product listing:

Make a Payhip product Buy Button

A window will pop up, and you’ll click on the “Embed Button” tab in that window.

You’ll see the embed code right away, but before you copy it, click on the “More Options” text below the embed code.

This drops down an entire menu of settings where you can adjust the button text, the size, and the display options until it all looks the way you want it to.

After you’ve adjusted the button’s looks to your specifications, copy the code and go back to WordPress.

Payhip - Embed Button Code

Click the Text tab in the upper right-hand corner of your content editor, and paste the button code where you want it to appear on your page:

Use WP text editor to paste Payhip Button

Now, publish the page and add it to your main menu.

First, click “Publish” on the right-hand side of the page editor.

WordPress - Publish

Then go to “Appearance” in the left-hand menu, and click on “Menus.”

Go to Appearance - Add to Menu

Then add a check in the box next to your new page, and click on “Add to Menu.”

Add to WordPress Menu

And that’s it!

You’ve now got a coaching offer for sale. (Congratulations!)

Hint: Rather than stopping at putting the page in your website menu, drive traffic to your offer in other ways, too. Your website sidebar, social media profiles, mentioning it in your blog posts, and sending information to your email list about your offer are all great ways to get attention to it.)

#3. Run Your First Coaching Calls Like a Seasoned Pro

With figuring out your offer and adding it to your website, you’ve already done most of the work.

But then you get the first booking for your first ever coaching call . . . and if you’re like most bloggers who like blogging because it means you can sit behind a screen and not be in the public eye 24/7, you start to get a little nervous. Maybe even sweat a bit.

And allll these insecurities start coming up:

  • How can I coach people when I’m not perfect at this myself?
  • What if they hate what I have to say?
  • What if no one follows my advice and they shame me on the Internet?
  • What happens if I end up on a call with someone for two hours instead of one? Should I send them an invoice for double the price or just leave it be?
  • What if I don’t have enough material to fill the hour they paid for?

Which is why it’s important to remember that you do have something special to offer. If you’re passionate enough to start a blog and write regularly on a topic, chances are you know more than at least 80% of people about that topic.

It’s also important to remember that when people pay for something, it means they’re putting their skin in the game and will be invested in your advice. They’re not expecting you to be perfect—all they need is your advice to get them to the next step.

And while some people will want to just talk and talk and talk about their problems, you’re the coach here, so you’ll need to rein in the conversation and keep it focused on the outcomes you want to deliver within that one-hour conversation.

With time, you’ll become more practiced and discover what works best for you as you do more coaching sessions. But to start out, here’s a great timeline to guide the conversation that keeps everything neatly inside of one hour, and makes sure your client feels heard.

Use This Coaching Call Timeline to Schedule Your Talking Points

Talking Point and Time Estimate Time Elapsed
3-5 minutes: Exchange hellos and small talk, and ask client to talk about their pain point. 5 minutes
5-7 minutes: Client talks about their pain point and you ask clarifying questions to make sure you’re on the same page. 10-15 minutes
5 minutes: Pick out three major areas to talk about and run them by client to see if they’re on board. You’ll allocate 15 minutes to each point, and can move on to more at the end if you have time left over. This serves as your 45-minute warning. 15 minutes
15 minutes: Talk about and give advice on Point 1. Make sure it’s conversational and that you’re asking the client questions like, “Does that make sense?” and “Does this seem doable?” to keep them engaged. 30 minutes
Give 30-minute warning and transition to Point 2. 30 minutes
15 minutes: Talk about and give advice on Point 2. Make sure it’s conversational and that you’re asking the client questions like, “Does that make sense?” and “Does this seem doable?” to keep them engaged. 45 minutes
Give 45-minute warning and transition to Point 3 45 minutes
10-12 minutes: Talk about Point 3. (It’s usually the least crucial of all three points.) Again, keep things conversational. 55 minutes
Give a 3-5 minute warning and ask if they have other questions you can answer. 55 minutes
5 minutes: Quickly answer questions or, if the client doesn’t have any questions, give a recap of the points you went over and talk about how you’ll follow up after the call. 60 minutes

Honestly, I know 15 minutes might sound like a lot of time to talk about one point, but it’ll go surprisingly quickly. You’ve got a lot of knowledge in your head about your particular topic area, and 99% of the time, clients who pay to get on the phone with you will eat it up and ask all sorts of questions.

If you find yourself in the position of a client having a million more questions and you’re at the 58-minute mark, try not to worry too much. Politely tell them you’ve only got time for one more question, that you’ll follow up with a list of notes on what you’ve gone over, and that if they feel like jumping on another 30-minute or 60-minute call in the next week or so, they can.

Using the reason of having another call lined up after this client is a great exit, even if you don’t actually have one. And honestly, you’ll find most people will have 100% respect for the boundaries you set.

#4. Give Your Clients That Little Bit of Extra After the Call

After the call, as I’ve hinted above, you’ll want to do a brief follow-up with the client as a way to officially close things out and give them the information covered on the call as a point of reference.

Most people will take their own notes, but the follow-up email is always a nice touch and increases their feelings of loyalty toward you as someone who has their best interests at heart.

But in addition to the customer support side of after-call follow-up, you’ll want to take the opportunity to jot down what you learned during the call for your own purposes.

It doesn’t have to take more than 5-10 minutes, but writing down the following things will go a long way toward making the most of these calls for a better blog and blog-based business:

  • Things that surprised you about this client’s particular situation
  • Patterns you’re starting to see in your coaching clients
  • Things you weren’t aware people in your target audience struggled with
  • Any new blog post ideas that came to you as a result of the conversation

Equipped with this information, you’ll be able to make your blog more interesting and engaging for people in your target audience, and to validate the ideas you have for products that you hope to make money on in the long run.

You’re Ready! Now Get Yourself Some Coaching Clients

Coaching is the perfect way to connect with your audience and see what makes them tick.

I’ve seen it in my own business: Since I started coaching, I’ve become more relevant to my audience and I’ve strengthened my business at least ten-fold.

I can write content that I know is interesting to them, I know what they’re struggling with, and I know what kind of products to put together so I can generate income from my blog.

And while none of this will happen overnight, you’ll see results from your blog much faster if you coach people in your audience early … even if you only get a few clients here and there.

So create your offer, set up your coaching business, and make your first coaching calls.

It’s never too early to start.

About the Author: Chelsea Baldwin is the founder of Copy Power, where she teaches copywriting and helps entrepreneurs make the kind of “bang-bang” impression that gets remembered (even days after people leave your site). Use her free 3-part email course to learn how to write astonishingly memorable copy for yourself, even if you’re not a writer.
Photo of author

Chelsea Baldwin


A "cheat sheet" to making 2-5K per month as a writer, even if you're a total beginner.
Photo of author

Written by Chelsea Baldwin

84 thoughts on “How to Start a Coaching Business and Look Like a Pro from the Get-Go”

  1. Hey Chelsea,
    Coaching is yet to become a serious part of my business. I have coached a few of my readers into monetizing their blogs and seeing results but I never thought to actually setup a coaching business.

    Technically, I can effortlessly setup any sales page and payment button. I’m now thinking on working on coaching to fully milk its benefits. I find your proposed call timeline very useful. I also will be looking at Calendly as this seems a handy tool.

    Thanks for helping with a new business encouragement

    • Hi Enstine – I think that’s the beautiful part of it being fairly effortless to set up… you can set it up and offer it, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be the central focus of your business model. But once you have some coaching calls, you start to understand SO MUCH MORE about your audience, and therefore can run a better blog too. Plus, you get to make some money.

  2. Hey Chelsea!

    This is very helpful information for anyone looking to get started in the coaching business!

    I’ve recently launched my blogging coaching service. I’m still putting things on the backend together – so these tips come in very handy to me right not. 🙂

    I didn’t know about Calendly. It looks like a great tool for booking sessions and keeping everything organized with your clients. I’m definitely using this tool.

    Thank you so much for sharing these helpful tips for better coaching!

    Best regards! 😀

  3. I was about to start an online coaching thing and planning to fo with Facebook ads to reach my audience and obtain leads. Suggest which one is better.

    • Hey Gaurab, I’m not sure what you’re choosing between here… Facebook ads and something else?

      For me, Facebook ads weren’t worth the investment. But I know that’s just my experience. If you already have some subscribers who read and follow your blog, they’re your best target audience, and you don’t have to pay anything additional to send the offer out to them.

  4. Happy Friday good peeps,

    I’m glad to see a new post about Coaching. I just wanted to check in real quick with the beautiful SmartBlogger community before I double back and share valuable feedback on this Coaching blog post. Coaching is a lucrative side hustle business by the way. 🙂

    • Great post.

      But before you start a coaching business online, it’s a smart strategy to build right kind of audience who know about you and your expertise. After all, people don’t want to get coached by random people on the internet.

      If you are considering to monetize your website with coaching it’s important for you to build an authority site and become a go to guy in the industry so that you can attract a lot of people and hydrogen students who are interested in your coaching services.

      Here is where building an email list helps you a lot to turn normal website sisters into email subscribers so you can add more value with your content which can later monetize with your coaching services.

      I have also seen so many people who are offering coaching services to make money from their website are offering free coaching before they introduce their premium coaching services. I think it works like a charm especially when you are just starting out so it’ll give you a better idea about how to handle your students and how to charge them for your coaching services.

      It’s also essential for you to do competitor analysis for those sites which are already monetizing their websites with blog coaching services. Get in touch with them and find out how much charges they are collecting from the students and what they are giving in return as blog coaching services.

      Thanks so much for sharing this and keep posting such an amazing content.

      • Yes,

        Building an e-mail list is hard when you know 0% diddly squat about building one from scratch. It takes years through organic email list subscriber collection and fishing for leads from LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook. It’s a true test of patience to see what you’re made of and if you really want to do this as a full time side hustle business.

  5. This article was perfectly timed for me. I have been struggling with trying to find my niche that would let me use what I am good at and that I would also actually enjoy doing day in and day out. And coaching people in that skill seems just the way to go. I think, however, that I need 60- to 90-minute sessions to do it justice (I can help them make a decision about something that has them stymied and feeling like there is no way out of the dilemma). Do I offer a single session that I say can last between 60 and 90 minutes and the cost is the same regardless? What do you think?

    Second Question: should I set up a unique FB page for this venture? And perhaps a unique website (since the name of my current website might not be too appealing to some who would otherwise like to use my services)?

    • Sheri,

      Do what works best for you. If you feel you have the most energy to work in the morning and that’s when you’re at your energetic peak, let your clientele know that such and such time is when I do best coaching because this time works best for me. Working online and side hustles is all about flexibility with people willing to work around “your terms.”

      • I do not know if you are responding to my comment because I said nothing about mornings at all. My question was totally different.

    • Hi Sheri,
      If it’s okay, I’ll share what’s worked for me. My private clients get 3 phone sessions a month with me. When we get started (or during the enrollment call), I tell them that the sessions are 60 minutes, but that I often give them an hour and 15 minutes if I don’t have another call afterward. They appreciate the extra love, and when I do have a call, respect that our time is limited to 60 minutes.
      As for your second question, do you already have a FB business page? How related are what you do currently and the coaching you’ll offer?
      Hope this helps. 🙂

      • That makes perfect sense to me. Thanks.
        Regarding the second question – I have a FB business page but it is totally UNrelated to the coaching I can offer. The coaching is related to my professional pre-retirement.

      • Hi Sheri,
        I’m hesitant to offer a suggestion without knowing the specifics, but it sounds like you’re leaning toward a separate page. Go with your gut–and where your ideal clients are likely to find you. 🙂 Good luck!

      • Hi Angela & Sheri,

        I’ll add in my 2 cents, in you don’t mind. 😉

        To your initial question, Sheri: Yes, I’d say it’s totally find to say the session is 60-90 minutes long, depending on what needs to be discussed, and what you’re going over. I suggested 60 minutes in the article as a rule of thumb time frame, but it’s important to do what’s best for your and your subject matter.

        I do also like Angela’s idea of selling a certain number of sessions in a bundle, so you can help people make progress over time.

        With the FB page – I’d say it’s your call. It’s hard to say without knowing your business model / how people find you online. But it’s certainly not necessary to have one!

  6. Happy Saturday beautiful Smart Blogger community,

    Finally managed to come back and add my humble 2 cents about coaching. I think it’s a great side hustle to have and here’s why. First, you make your own hours and run your coaching business on your terms. If you only want to do it online, then you can offer people the option to pay you first thru PayPal or any online financial service you choose before offering coaching sessions. Second, you can write your own ticket. It’s way better than clocking not a cushy day job or a job you hate going to and working for a narcissist employer who does nothing more than bad mouth you, provoke you, deny you a pay raise, laugh about it behind your back, and then set you up in secrecy for termination after they’ve threatened you that you better not tell on them. So in my personal opinion, a coaching business is definitely the way to go because it builds character, a positive business reputation, and commands the income you desire.

    Are you listening? Am I right? Are you getting what I’m trying to tell ya? 🙂

    Moreover, the side hustle is the new new of today’s thinking of building and maintaining financial security. If more people would get out of the traditional employment mindset and experiment with side hustling, they could pay off personal debt faster than imagined. Agree? 🙂

  7. Hello Chelsea,

    I have been running coaching business for some years now but one aspect I’ve not tried is coaching calls

    I think with the timetable you gave I can give it a shot. Yes, most times I end up giving extra day and even week to help my client fully understand and implement what they learnt.

    Thanks for sharing. Your guidelines are straightforward.


    • That’s awesome that you’ve already had a coaching business for some years now! But yeah, try having some calls to see how that model works for you. If you like it, great, if not, you can go back to the other kind of support you give.

  8. First, I have to credit Jon (Morrow, of course) and Tim Brownson for encouraging me into coaching. It’s been the best thing I’ve ever done for my business. (Thanks, guys!) Second, as someone who helps emerging authors, coaches, and healers with their first clients and offers, I’ve seen the tech hold people back again and again–including me at times. I’ve found that a scheduling system like Acuity can really streamline getting set up because the scheduling and payment of a coaching call, as well as the follow-up email or intake form, is handled by the same service. Happy coaching! 🙂

  9. This post encourages me to get back again blogging. I got already the business plan and digital products to sell suddenly all my accounts were hacked including my website. Now, I don’t know how to start safely so that I can sell my e-book, digital downloads and coaching. Hope someone will me with this.

  10. Vhidez,

    It’s not a good idea to use the same e-mail address and password for all of your social media accounts. This leaves not just you, but anyone and including myself vulnerable to hacking and other types of phishing attacks. I have a gmail account that keeps getting hit with so much spam and messages that I feel ppl are trying to hack me too. Hopefully you backed up your MYSQL database.

  11. On past day I also want to start my business in Graphic designing industry. But I don’t know where to start than I used internet for looking some information to start a logo designing business. I found your article on how to start a coaching business I think maybe you can help me for my graphic designing business.

    Thanks for sharing this.

    • Athar,

      Do you have WordPress installed on your server? If so, you can start blogging about your graphic design business on your blog. Create different categories. Once for your services, another WordPress category for the clients you did, another category for designs you’re about to start work on, etc. This way, you can install free WordPress plugins that’ll help you build your target audience, extend your blogging reach, and don’t overlook adding links in your YouTube video description section to tap free video traffic too. Hope this helps. 🙂

  12. Hi,

    i just want to say thanks what an amazing article that I have read today there is so many articles available on the internet but a way of your explanation is awesome i love to read more article from you keep writing great stuff will be coming back for more interesting article thanks.

  13. Great article! I’d like to also suggest that online coaches check out Zoom as a great alternative to Skype. I’ve used Skype in my coaching business for years and still use it for calls and messaging with my virtual team. BUT I have recently made the switch to Zoom and am loving it. You can get quite far with the free version too. It’s really easy to record sessions with Zoom and then share the recordings with your clients via Life Coach Office. It’s also perfect for recording podcast episodes.

  14. Thank you very much for this great information regarding starting a coaching business. I am very much interested in enrolling for the training about being a life and I believe you will furnish me with more information towards it.

  15. Chelsea,

    Great article! I never really thought of coaching until recently, but I have gotten coaching before that was really terrible and have not been impressed with. I believe I can give a lot more than my previous coaching so this is something that I will definitely look into.


    • Thanks Jeremy! When searching for a coach, it’s definitely important to hire the right person. I think most people have been burned in one way or another in that regard. Best wishes with your endeavors!

  16. Hi Chelsea, there’s some real gems in here wow!

    I’d also say tone of voice with the copywriting is absolutely paramount – you need to connect with your target audience from the get-go if you really want to stand out from the other sites out there. You might want to think about being authoritative but not too technical or too corporate as these factors can often throw people off if it appears too complicated. It is a fine balance.

  17. Awesome. I was looking for this type of help, before starting coaching center. Finally, i got some tips all thanks to you. This is really good and well explained.

  18. Hello Chelsea, I just checked out this blog and decided to try the method you mentioned and i’m starting to see the result. Thanks for the guide,it works out well.

  19. What I find most exciting about coaching is that you can run your entire business from home, coaching clients over the telephone or via Skype, and it’s affordable to start.

    • Eki,

      Don’t forget that you can also run your business from your smartphone. If your phone can connect to the internet from anywhere and you use your voice recognition function on your smart phone, not only can you run your business from anywhere, but you can also write content for your blog and publish content for your WordPress self-hosted blog while on the go. I’ve adapted to the new mentality of not being confined to a computer desk at home and writing content while out and about. And let me tell you…while it is a new mindset to adjust to, the SEO benefits are far more rewarding. This is why I’m glad affiliate marketing, blogging, and side hustle is here to stay. 🙂

    • Thanks Matthew! I’m a fan of basically anything as a lead magnet, but the important thing, no matter what it is (an ebook, an email course, a video, etc.) isn’t to “sell” it as the thing that it is, but for the benefits the reader gets because of it. So rather than telling people to sign up for my free email course (because that’s what I use instead of an ebook), I tell them to learn how to write better web copy & improve their on-site conversions.

      Hope that helps – cheers!

  20. This is quite thorough and comprehensive Chelsea,

    There are really a lot of ways someone can make good money blogging, I mean, the opportunities here are really endless, one only need to be smart and creative to spot and manage the opportunities properly.

    Coming to today’s topic, the coaching call thing is one of the blog monetization strategies I have been planning to check out for sometime now, and that urge started after I went to Jon’s guide on the topic in his Serious Bloggers Only course, but since then, I’ve not been able to settle down and do it. And most times, I even forget about it entirely.

    However, I’m have to have come across this post because it just reignited the fire in me again to start setting things up as soon as possible. And this time, I am not going to look back or procrastinate it again.

    This post is indeed filled with lots of tips and insights that will make the whole planning and set up process much easier, you just tackled some of my questions, thanks for that.

    Thanks for sharing Chelsea, and do enjoy the remaining of your week. And yes, I will let you know how things turns out if I eventually try it.

    • Thanks Anil! One thing I like so much about it is that once you get it set up, it’s a pretty easy income stream to manage. It may not be the thing that pays all of your bills every month (though it could be), but it’s not difficult to maintain and is pretty low-stress for the work involved.

  21. Wow thank you so much for this article .It really inspiring.I Love It! Thank you very much for the self employment. I am about to start a coaching center alongwith my brother for academic subjects.

  22. Chelsea,
    Thank you so much! Your replies are unbelievably spot on.
    I’m considering offering Coaching Call Time Services, at first, and later to offer digital downloads. Do you know whether I will be able to offer Coaching time services without any file downloads at this e-commerce platform, Payhip. Is it possible to offer similar e-commerce platforms that offer both. Constance

    • Hi Constance!

      Payhip is a platform for selling digital downloads, so you can’t sell something on that platform without it. But that’s why using the download as an instruction sheet for booking with you works so well.

      If you don’t want to do it this way, you can use platforms like Acuity that cost $15+ per month to have people pay & schedule all in the same place.


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