Archived Email - Traffic Case Study (Part Two)


Yesterday, I asked you which traffic strategy you thought I followed to get 56K visitors in 60 days. Got a bunch of responses, and the most common answer was...

Strategy #2: write the best content ever published for a topic, and get people talking about it.

But guess what?

Nope! That's not the strategy I followed. :-)

I did eventually master that strategy and get millions of visitors from it, but it was a year or two later. I didn't use it at all during those first 60 days.

So, which strategy did I use?

Well, let's go back to the story...

After three years of basically getting nowhere, I decided it was time for a bold move.

I stopped reading articles. I stopped listening to podcasts. I stopped buying courses.

Instead, I paid for a one hour Skype consultation with Chris Garrett. The conversation went something like this...

Me: So, there are all of these different traffic strategies, but I'm wondering which one works best.

Chris: Oh, they all work.

Me: Yeah, but which one is best? I just want to know which one I should focus on.

Chris: It really depends on you.

Me: I don't understand. How could it depend on me?

Chris: Well, what's your day job?

Me: I'm a real estate financier. I raise money for big real estate developments from private investors.

Chris: And how do you meet those investors?

Me: Networking, mostly. I got to know a few respected investors, and they introduce me to their friends.

Chris: Brilliant. So, you're obviously good at it. Networking and stuff. Why not use that same strategy for growing your blog?

Me: How?

We spent the rest of the hour going through it. Exactly 60 days later, I had 56K visitors.

Starting from nothing.

No website. No network. No connections (other than Chris).

But I had something infinitely more valuable:

The right strategy for me.

You see, all of us have different natural gifts.

Some people are "grinders" who can crank out really long articles day after day and send out tons of outreach emails promoting them.

Others have big personalities, and people can't help watching them on social media.

Still others are data geeks. They love spreadsheets and numbers, and they can optimize the hell out of those numbers to get tons of traffic.


I was a natural networker.

I was (and still am) really, REALLY good at getting to know powerful people and making them want to help me.

For me, it's as natural as breathing. I've been doing it since I was a kid.

So, what happened when I applied that talent to blogging?

Traffic took off like a rocket.

Not because networking is the "best" strategy, either. No strategy is inherently better than another.

They all work... for the right people... in the right niche.

That's one thing Chris DIDN'T tell me, by the way. Some traffic strategies work better in certain niches than others.

For instance, what if I had gone into a niche with no real "powerbrokers?" The parenting niche, for example, doesn't really have an inner circle of influencers who control all the traffic.

But the personal finance niche does. That's another reason why I was able to get so much traffic so fast.

The point?

If you're confused by all the different traffic strategies, jumping from one to another, it's probably because you don't understand two things: your natural gifts and your niche.

Once you understand those, it's easy to pick a traffic strategy.

You just need somebody to describe the different skill sets and give you some guidance on which strategies work best in your niche.

Somebody like me. :-)

On Monday, we'll dive a little deeper. I'll actually give you a flowchart you can use called the "Blog Traffic Roadmap" to help you pick your strategy.

Watch your email. You're going to love it.

Talk soon,


Click here for Part One

Click here for Part Three