Archived Email - Traffic Case Study (Part Three)

So, just how geeky are you? :-)

If you love flowcharts, this email will put you in geek nirvana. I have two separate traffic diagrams for you to download (links below).

If you hate flowcharts?

I still got you covered. Might not be quite as geeky (shame, shame) but don't worry, you'll still learn a ton. :-)

Today, we're diving deeper than ever before. Right down to the smelly underbelly of the traffic beast.

Because you see...

I don't just want to teach you a few tidbits about traffic.

I want to change your path. Save you from months or even years of frustration.

To do that, I need to show you some things. Uncomfortable things.

It all starts with this diagram:

Download the Traffic Roadmap of Tragedy

Complicated, I know, but follow the colors.

Blue is where it starts. Green is good. Red is bad.

If you follow all the arrows, it might seem familiar, too.

Let's put it into a story...

One day, you're checking your email, and you notice an email about getting traffic through YouTube.

"More people search YouTube than Google now," it says. "Video is taking over the world."

Thinking about it, you have to agree.

You love YouTube. Everyone does.

So... maybe it would be a good way to get traffic.

Hmm... back to the email...

"I'm getting targeted traffic for five cents a click," the email says. "It's like 2005 on Google. All the traffic you want, and it's cheap, cheap, cheap."

Cheap traffic?

That sounds good. Maybe you should dig a little further.

You click the link in the email, and it takes you to a sales letter. For $200, they'll teach you everything you need to know about getting traffic on YouTube.

You hesitate.

Seems real enough, but do you really want to spend your money on this stuff?

Kinda embarrassing.

Of course, if it works out, you'll be set. Maybe you could finally quit your job and do some traveling.

So, you decided to bite.

You fork over the $200. You get the video course.

And you know what? It's pretty good. They teach you all kinds of stuff you didn't know.

Except there's only one problem...

You look like an idiot on camera.

And all the strategies they are teaching require you to do videos.

"Everybody can learn to do this," they say. "It just takes practice."

And maybe it's true.

But you find yourself procrastinating.

You intend to give it a try, you really do, but it makes you uncomfortable. So, you keep finding reasons to make excuses.

Days go by. And then weeks. And then months.

One day, you're back in your email, and you see another interesting tidbit.

"People are spending hours every day on Pinterest," it says. "And last week, I got 242,000 visitors from it for free!"

... and you start the whole process all over again.

This time, maybe it's a little different. Maybe you enjoy Pinterest.

But it still doesn't generate the traffic you thought it would.

So you find yourself procrastinating again.

Sound familiar?

If you notice, I'm just following flowchart.

Almost everything leads to procrastination.

And procrastination leads to getting distracted by a new shiny traffic strategy.

It's a vicious cycle.

Personally, I got caught in that cycle for three years. Around and around again.

Maybe you're stuck there now.

If you are, I have good news...

We're about to stage a prison break.

Grab your rock hammer. :-)

(Seen Shawshank Redemption? Greatest movie ever.)

Nah, this will actually be a lot faster than that. It'll only take a few minutes to break you loose.

Go take a look at this...

Download the 200 Million Visitor Traffic Roadmap

It's based on the process I used to get over 200 million visitors the last decade.

It's also a core part of Blog Traffic Blueprint, the new course I'm releasing tomorrow.

"Wait a minute," you say. "This sounds an awful lot like those emails about YouTube and Pinterest."

And honestly?

I'm sure it does sound similar. If I were you, I would be really suspicious of me right now.

But here's the difference...

I'm not recommending a shiny new traffic tactic. On the contrary, I believe you shouldn't focus on "tactics" at all.

What you need is a strategy.

A couple of days ago, I gave you a super brief introduction to all five strategies. If you can't remember them, search your email for "Traffic Case Study").

Because knowing those strategies is the first step in the process. Everybody needs to know all five.

After that?

Well, let's follow the flowchart again. I'll whip up another story...

So, your back at your email box. You're getting this series of emails about traffic from a dude named "Jon Morrow."

The guy is clearly a crazy bastard. Totally mental.

But some of his ideas are interesting...

He says there are only five traffic strategies. He gave you all five.

What's more, he says the traffic strategy you use depends on both your personality your niche.

"I wonder if that's why I keep running in circles," you think. "I haven't found the traffic strategy that fits me."

So, you bite the bullet. You buy the course.

And you're nervous.

Is this going to be just another waste of time and money?

You sure hope not.

So, you give it a try.

First, you go through all the videos about all the different strategies.

Fascinating stuff. You've never heard anything like it before. Anywhere.

When you're finished, it's also pretty clear: for your personality type, you need to be following the "Mafia Method" strategy.

Weird name, but it makes sense. A lot of sense.

Question is... does it work for your niche?

You want to blog about self-improvement, so you check, and...

Yes, it works in the self improvement niche! Awesome!

You've found a strategy that works for both your personality type and your niche.

So, you get to work.

You study all of the recommended resources. You set aside time to work on it.

And this time, something is different.

You're really digging this "Mafia Method" strategy. It fits you perfectly.

Granted, it's still a lot of hard work. Hours and hours and hours.

Sometimes, you get really tired, but you always seem to come back to it, even when you're exhausted. It's because you're enjoying yourself.

It's working like gangbusters, too.

Within a couple months, you know all the influencers in the self improvement niche. They are sharing your posts and driving TONS of traffic.

Hundreds of thousands of visitors.

Every day, you can't wait to look at your traffic stats in Google Analytics. They keep going up and up and up.

Before long, everyone at work thinks you're a weirdo. You walk around the office with this dreamy smile plastered on your face all the time.

You try to show your boss your Google Analytics stats. He yells at you and tells you to get back to work.

So, you quit.

Why not?

You're getting tons of traffic. Your readers love you.

So, you quit your job and launch a course and make more money in a week than you used to make in a year. You buy a ticket for a cruise that goes around the world.

One day, you're sitting at the pool, sipping a margarita with one hand and holding your tablet with the other hand.

You find an email from that crazy bastard, Jon Morrow. You decide to reply.

"Thank you," you say, and then you tell me your story.

I cry when I read it. I forward it to everybody in the office. They cry too.

The End.

I know, sappy story.

Hard to believe, too.

But it's happened before.

Here's a quote from my very first student who quit her job, Jennifer Gresham:

"I always wondered what I needed to do to “catch the eye” of some big name blogger and land a guest post. Thankfully, Jon showed me I could be a lot more proactive and brave than that.

Within weeks, I had guest posts accepted at some of the top blogs on the internet (Zen Habits and Jonathan Fields). To my surprise, I landed over a 1000 new subscribers in the first month after those posts lit up the internet.

This technique far exceeded my expectation. If you really want to be a blogger, if you want to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry, this course is a must have. This course literally changed my life: I finally felt confident enough to quit my job and blog full time.

And I owe it all to Jon. THANKS!"

Dammit, I get misty every time I read that.

And honestly, I can't take credit. Jennifer is awesome. Google her.

She sent me that around six or seven years ago, I think. For a different course, obviously.

Since then, I've accumulated hundreds of emails like that. I dig them up and read them every time I get depressed.

Anyway, I'm rambling...

The point?

Not all online courses are a hoax.

Some of them are, and it's sad. Those people are "peeing in the pool" for everybody else.

The truth is, some courses can change your life. Like the one I’m about to release in the next few days.

It is, without a doubt, the best traffic course ever created. Big talk, I know, but I’ll give you a peek inside tomorrow, and you can see for yourself.

Until then, go look at the flow charts. They are color-coded and everything. Fancy.  :-)

Talk soon. Peace out.


Click here for Part One

Click here for Part Two